Reinaldo Alves

FullStack Developer

Turning great ideias in excelent solutions by programming


Who am I?

Reinaldo Alves

I am a full-stack web developer based in Recife, PE, Brazil, who is constantly seeking knowledge and new technologies, as I believe that programming is an essential tool that allows us to solve our problems and make our daily activities easier. I have a technical background in industrial electricity and a master's degree in Chemical Engineering with an emphasis on biofuels, which allows me to bring experiences to projects related to these areas. I work as a freelancer and have developed various types of applications for clients in diverse industries, always focusing on details to provide a better user experience. Check out my works in the Projects section of this website and feel free to get in touch.

Used Technologies

Tailwind Tailwind
JavaScript JavaScript
typescript TypeScript
React React
Nodejs Nodejs
Git Git
SocketIO SocketIO
Firebase Firebase
Docker Docker

Offered services

My Projects

Click on the project to get more details

Uranor System
WhatsApp Web Clone
Youtube Clone
Instagram Clone
Conhecendo o Brasil Website
Star Wars Encyclopedia
Reinaldo Alves' Portfolio
BMI Calculator
Facebook Homepage Reproduction

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